Saturday, June 3

Surfing In Taranaki

Surfing in Taranaki is characterised by relatively uncrowded locations and a great variety of surf breaks (over 30 are surfed regularly). From the small number of survey respondents (89) who live outside the region, Taranaki was reported as the most preferred surf location in New Zealand (33%), followed by Raglan (21%), Gisborne (13%) Mount Maunganui (11%), Wairarapa (9%), South Island (8%), Piha (4%) and Wellington (1%). The place of Taranaki as the most preferred surf location in New Zealand maybe worth investigating further.Wind direction dictates which breaks are surfed, with north Taranaki breaks (Oakura, Fitzroy, East End, Waitara Bar) being popular during south and south-east winds and South Taranaki breaks (Stent Road, Kina Road, Arawhata Road, Mangahume, Dump, Green Meadows) popular during north, north-west and north-east winds.Most surfers from the Taranaki sample of the survey indicated that they surfed at least once a week (68%). The most preferred breaks were Stent Road (29%), Rocky Point (10%), followed by Other (unnamed breaks, 18%), Fitzroy (7%), Graveyards (7%), Mangahume (7%), Kumara Patch (6%). Other breaks such as Ahu Ahu Road, Oakura made up the remaining 16%, although none of these had a preferred rating higher than 4%.

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