Sunday, October 1

Who Is From Hawera Part 4

whats the matter with the "boys" from the old milk treatment station lol, I was one of them

glaad to see that the message board is going so well, must be bringing up a few memories for people ah? well wilson street sounds like its a popular topic, i lived there 4 20 years in 78 wilon street, my parents still there now.

Right next door to my parents old house. If it's who I think it is, then when i lived there your dad was working for Cudbys (I think) & got all the surplus concrete for the driveway.

yea, that was the school. I was only 5 and started there. Strange place and all new people. We lived beside a maori family called the kerihomers? that were good to us. The school as i remember it was all prefabs on blocks with open foundations. I was very pleased to come home. I think our house was number 11, it had a huge section and you could drive around the back. The house had a large return veranda.

Who remembers the "muffler" in the main street. (fountain in the middle of that 1 way system) gone now thankyou.

yes i remember that I have it on video somewhere, with Mary our mayor and tim shadbolt

the muffler is sitting in a shed up at king edward park i think...

My old stamping ground Lived in Patea but went to college in Hawera on Mills bus. Miss Shearer my form teacher

lived there when i was about 4 well in Fraser rd, anyone remember anyone by the name of Mathew Black??? or the Deaths?? Jack or bill

Obviously the Kerehoma's were there for years..I lived around on Kamahi Ave (was developed in the 70's) in the 80's and 90's and remember them and the Blacks lived on the corner of Fantham and Turuturu Road. I lived up Fraser Road a couple of years ago..we were up the top end closer to Eltham

We lived on Austin Rd and our kids went to fraser Rd school Yes know Jack and Judith

we have had some serious and tragic accidents around this area havent we over the years

my dad played the drums for a lot of the old time dances..Meremere Ohangai,Whakamara,Mokoia,Manutahi.Ararata.Could have been before your time though

I used to go to the old time the savage club hall! Mum used to take us every fortnight..they were great! To this day I love dancing all the old dances unfortunately only the older guys know the The guys of my generation hardly know how to waltz let alone the maxina/gay gordon/eva 3 step/valetta (sp?)

To seedy4 It seems like the Hawera one is more popular tho than the Stratty one I started - Game On!! When were the dances - what years. Did you mean the local discos in the 80's at the Rugby Club or Toko Hall etc?

Loved the old time dances So graceful And the dance frocks we wore were so Pretty.Short ones and the long were so elegant..

Old time dances. I remember old time dances and the wonderfull suppers.The competions were always a favourite as well.My great aunt Annie Quin who lived in what I thought was a garage in Victoria St when I was little,was well known as Hawreas Mother of music.

Any remember our.....our local constabulary?? Basil Webby, Dennis Dugan and co. We had a few run-ins with them outside the old piecart!

my family are all from manaia ( aunty and uncle owned Butlers bookshop )and i lived in hawera in the early 90's and worked at the intermediate in 2003/4.

remember those 2 bobbies hehehe, dennis duggan has passed away but basil is still around

know an Ian Taylor he lived down the hill opposite Naumai Park.. is he still around? he was getting on a bit when I left four years ago. Bit of an advocate for grey power etc. And whats happening with Naumai Park?... I remember reading something about it being drastically changed or something?...

I remeber corrigans hill and the sklenars. what years are you talking about? we had a market garden on george powells farm, from 1960-63 or there abouts. use to get crawlies with selwyn, in their stream.the mccolls and teacher keith peters and parents lived there as well

Ian Taylor has passed on - he was deaf and used to sing really loud at the presbyterian church. had a walking stick - such a spry man

Yrs from 1969 to current time. Selwin I havn't seen in about the last 2yrs. See Annette from time to time. Been a few years since I've seen any of the younger sisters

went to the Stratford dances in 1963 and 1964. No brownies for me - just swimming club. Had a garden plot though that Mr Syme used to judge each year. My best garden was eaten by the ducks the day before judging. The garedn had to measure an exact number of feet and you had to keep a planting etc diary.

Rod Syme was quite a figure in the town. the only garden we had was a market garden

Rod symes used to come out to Meremere schoool and judge our plots too..Was a nice guy..And we were given the seeds and had to plant them on certain days and keep a diary.

went to meremere school many many years ago as my father was first assistant at the factory way back, the dickensons were our neighbours, this wood be 40 or more years ago, dam thats along time ago when u sit and think about it

We left Meremere in 1950 and Moved to Ohangai I still had two sisters married and living in Meremere..Give me a clue or two What did your surname start with.There were the Mills.woodhead.Gilmour.Dickenson.

I was in the same class at HHS as Vincent Sklenars. Check out photo in oldfriends site as well. 1964 4e2. Only seen a couple of those people since those days. Must get to the next reunion. Getting on a bit,hope there's one soon

Used to deliver the Daily news around Fanthom street and nearby streets in 1961-63 in the early hours of the morning lot of the streets had no lights. fell of the bike a few times. 20lb fruit case box on the front carrier to hold the papers.

milners used to have a dairy on the corner, opposite St Mary's in Princes Street. Maggie Brown had one on the corner of Union St and Glover Road. Ian Crawford had the bookshop next door. Gordon King had the reconditioning workshop at 88 Union Street

do you know any Taranaki Stories The pukeariki web site is fantastic - and looking for stories.

I remember years ago......when Hawera made the headlines of the national papers....with the high rate of teenage promiscuity and pregancy

and The truth ran the story ...of Hawera High being the Drug Centre of NZ!..was in 3rd form at the time ..and very innocent THEN I might add!

sex and drugs in little ole 70's Hawera! and dont forget there was rock'n'roll too...anyone remember when Misex rocked the Furlong just before they went to oz?

late 60's to late 70's Was a very hectic time for me & yes there was sex/drugs (pot mostly) & rock n roll to be had pretty well anywhere in Hawera at that stage. Gee's don't even think of mentioning the amount of booze that was available. Very contradry town back then because we had US young ppl testing everything around (as teens do) & watching our backs for the retired farmers trying to keep tabs on us. (yes my dad was a retired farmer as well). Did a stint on the M.O.W's trucks cleaning drains/ patching roads with Snow Tantrum as our driver. Worked for Morris Boyd in his hire/sale shop (& he's still doing it). did the rounds of Kiwi (3 mths) & Normanby dairy factory's (1 yr).

Didn't seem to have the vandalism/thefts Or fights like these days but spose thats about the same for most places now. you know,... if ya got snapped then it was mostly fair enough. .... unless it was Dennis Duggan ;-(

mary bourke appears to have been there for many years. as mayor that is. do you remember the Red Indian in Wann and McKays bike shop - and the sports shop run by Willie Yep

willie was an uncle of ours - a good guy. Jan remembers him as a vege man - he was also a taxi driver. a man of many talents.

Yes I remember the red indian & Willy yep. Mckays bike shop is where I brought my first 10 speed bike. Another brother of mine was running a taxi from that stand for a year or 2.(Graham, mk3 zepher)



Unknown said...

Hi, my wife was living in Hawera from 1 to 5 years of age. Her father was working at HHS, we think teaching English. Anyone remember a teacher called Fred Sinton? We are staying in Hawera tonight and would love to find out where the family home was. Both Fred and his wife Agnes sadly passed away in a car accident some 23 years ago, so we have little information to work with.

Unknown said...

My wife is one of Willy Yep's daughters. She was adopted out and never got to meet her maternal father before his death, which was sad. We have been back to Hawera a to try and trace her families steps and was able to talk to a couple of gentlemen who agave us quite a bit of history about Willy and his "shed". I am trying to gather a history of Willy and anything you our others might like to share I would be greatful.

Cheers Lawrence Mowry (Lawrie)