Saturday, August 15

Whitebait in decline

Whitebait stand prices remain high even as the numbers of the little fish seem to decline and the Department of Conservation wants catches limited.

The whitebait season opens today with a conservation request from the department. DOC staff monitoring streams and rivers with historical records of adult whitebait had found the tasty fish were no longer present in many of those waterways.

DOC freshwater fish expert Jane Goodman said water removal, pollution, wetland drainage, introduced pests and destruction of stream-side vegetation all threatened the long-term survival of whitebait species.

"Inanga are the most common species, but whitebaiters may also capture the young of giant kokopu, shortjaw kokopu, koaro and banded kokopu depending on which river they are fishing in. Giant kokopu and shortjaw kokopu are threatened species," she said.

Earlier this month whitebait stands on the Mokau and Awakino rivers were advertised for prices ranging between $4000-$10,000.

Stands cost, on average, about $500 to build and had been available for $1000 just a few years ago.
By MATT RILKOFF - Taranaki Daily News
Last updated 05:00 15/08/2009

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