Wednesday, April 6

D.H'.ieI Bi«liop applied m tlm Couri Loilnterinwio »» oi'dt-r which had been made upon him on theS'iiof October, last year. This was an order, made ccder the above Ordinance, that Mr. Bishop should pny 2s. 6d. weekly towards tbe support ol two of the children of Mary Bishop, the widow of his late son. Mr. Bishop said tlmt he was miable further to continue tliio because a widowed na-ighte*' and her family had lately become dependent neon him for snpporr.. In deference to bis son's <«; I s. r request, be would, however, bo glad to take charge of Mrs. Mary Bishop's eldepfc boy, nnd b r iug liim up as one of It is own family. Notice that the application would be made having been given to the oilier side, and no person appeari'iu to rnise any objection, the Court informed Mr. Bishop that the ordor would be determined, and thut he could therefore discontinue the weekly payment. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2160, 20 December 1873, Page 3

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